DMS International Group is a consulting and trading company with offices in Africa (Cameroon), Europe (France), Canada and USA, with a liaison office in China. The DMS headquarters in Paris is located on a key business location, in the heart of the Champs-Élysées avenue.
To know more about the company, go to the presentation below.
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In the field of consulting, DMS International :
Accompanies major European, Asian, American investors in projects in Africa and Europe.
Intervenes with major state projects for financing.
Intervenes as a mediator in the relations between Africa, China and Europe
Many projects have been realized in Africa and other continents thanks to the support of DMS International Group, such as stadiums, power plants, highways and other major infrastructures.
In terms of trading, DMS is specialized in the trade of raw materials, namely :
Of international business experts
Master Dominique SAATENANG is a businessman at heart since the age of 6 when he began working in trade to contribute to help his family in his native Cameroon. Having lived more than 20 years in Africa, more than 10 years in China and nearly 15 years in France, he has shared his experience with many investors and institutions which have seen in him a potential for relations between continents : He is notably President of the Africa Division of the China Association for Promotion of International Economic Cooperation (www.capc.com.cn), Vice-President of the China-Africa Federation of Investments (www.china-africa.cn). These titles place him at the heart of China's transactions with Africa, notably in the search for raw materials in Africa and investment projects for which he is a consultant.
Business leader
USA Consultant for DMS
To better present DMS INTERNATIONAL GROUP, it is important to introduce its CEO, Master Dominique SAATENANG, who is a businessman at heart since the age of 6 when he began working in trade to contribute to help his family in his native Cameroon.
His high-level sports career has allowed him to create important relationships in the business world. A former World Kungfu Champion, he is the first African in history to have joined the Shaolin Temple in China, where he has been a Cultural Ambassador since 2011. He is also the President and founder of the African Martial Arts Festival (www.fadam-festival.com) which takes place every year in an African country, President and founder of the French-African Wushu Association (www.afawushu.com) which is the best Wushu club in France, and President and founder of the International Shaolin Black and White Association which organizes show tours around the world.
Master Saatenang is currently the CEO of major companies in Africa such as AIT (Africa International trade) and GLIT (Guo Long International Trade). Having lived more than 20 years in Africa, more than 10 years in China and nearly 15 years in France, he has shared his experience with many investors, and the creation of DMS International Group has allowed him to enhance his address book.
International trade institutions have also seen in him a potential for relations between continents : He is notably President of the Africa Division of the China Association for Promotion of International Economic Cooperation (www.capc.com.cn), Vice-President of the China-Africa Federation of Investments (www.china-africa.cn). These titles place him at the heart of China's transactions with Africa, notably in the search for raw materials in Africa and investment projects for which he is a consultant.

The experience acquired by Master Saatenang has made him an expert in the cultural and economic relations between Africa, China and Europe. Thus, he multiplies conferences in universities and international forums on the economic and cultural relations between the three continents.

33 Avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris
Tel. : +331 77 32 45 48
100053 Beijing
Tel. : +86 133 7731 0266
BP 7896, Bonanjo,
Douala, Cameroon
12337 Westfield Lakes Circle
Winter Garden,
FL 34787, USA
428 rue Claude-Leveilee,
Vaudreuil QC, J7V 0Y7, Canada